Firstcard® Secured Credit Builder Card

Aplica para una Tarjeta de Crédito Asegurada Firstcard en Línea en Minutos

Want the best credit card for beginners? Firstcard is designed to make credit building safe, easy, and stress-free – even for beginners! There’s no hidden fees, no hard credit checks and you can apply online in just a few minutes.

Begin your Credit Card Journey

There is a lot you should consider before selecting a credit card for beginners. Your credit score is the most important, though it’s likely you may not have a credit score yet. Once you get a credit card for beginners, factors like payment history, credit utilization, and account age play a significant role in determining your score. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is also an important factor as many credit cards for beginners have high APRs which can be dangerous. Firstcard is one of the best credit cards for beginners as there is 0% APR. Firstcard also offers in app credit monitoring, and credit reporting to all three major credit bureaus to help ensure beginners build credit quickly and safely.

Tipos de tarjetas de crédito para un mal crédito

Tarjetas de crédito aseguradas para mal crédito:

Estas requieren un depósito de seguridad reembolsable (por ejemplo, $200), que actúa como tu límite de crédito. Son ideales para reconstruir el crédito siempre que pagues a

Tarjetas de crédito no aseguradas para mal crédito:

Estas no requieren un depósito, pero a menudo vienen con tarifas más altas, tasas de interés elevadas y límites de crédito más bajos, así que ten cuidado y lee los términos y condiciones.Secured credit cards require an upfront deposit, and often have a higher APR, but are a great way to build your credit. Firstcard’s secured card is a great credit card for beginners as there is 0% APR and no minimum deposit requirement.

Tarjetas de crédito de tienda para mal crédito:

Estas son ofrecidas por tiendas y pueden ayudar a construir crédito, pero a menudo tienen tasas de interés altas, límites de crédito bajos y un uso limitado fuera de la

Cómo solicitar tarjetas de crédito con un mal crédito

Es posible que tengas más dificultades para que aprueben tu solicitud de tarjeta de crédito si tienes mal crédito, o un puntaje por debajo de 580. Aunque puede que aún no califiques para las mejores tarjetas de crédito del mercado, aún puedes obtener una tarjeta de crédito adecuada para tu perfil crediticio. Aquí hay algunos pasos que puedes seguir para solicitar tarjetas de crédito con mal crédito.
Secured Credit CardsAverigua tu puntaje crediticio y verifica si hay errores que puedan afectar la aprobación.These cards are ideal for beginners who want to build credit without the risk of overspending.
Unsecured Credit Cards are usually not the best option for beginners, as they often come with higher fees and interest rates. Unlike secured cards, traditional unsecured cards extend a credit line where your credit limit is determined by your creditworthiness.
Credit Builder Cards are great credit cards for beginners, as they prioritize credit reporting and responsible usage. The Firstcard® Secured Credit Builder Card reports responsible usage to all three major credit bureaus and offers rewards like APY and cashback. These rewards set it apart from most other credit builder cards.

Use your Beginner Credit Card RESPONSIBLY

It’s important to use your credit card for beginners responsibly in order to build credit and avoid credit card debt. Factors like, on time payments, paying your balance in full, and keeping your credit utilization ratio low,  indicate responsible credit usage.

With the Firstcard® Secured Credit Builder Card, you’ll never have to worry about hurting your credit utilization ratio since you get to determine your credit limit each month. This makes Firstcard unique and an excellent credit card for beginners who want the flexibility to alter their credit limit each month without penalty.

La mejor manera de construir crédito sin un SSN

Como inmigrante, me costaba encontrar una tarjeta de crédito. Firstcard fue la solución perfecta con su requisito de no necesitar un SSN. Ahora, puedo construir crédito y ganar recompensas con cada compra.

Hana P.

Apply for a beginner credit card

Without good credit or credit history, getting a credit card for beginners may seem out of reach. Firstcard aims to remove this hurdle by pre-approving users that apply online and submit the required documentation. Here are some tips for easy approval:

Research Credit Cards For Beginners:

Before applying, make sure to do adequate research into which credit card for beginners is best for you. Take into consideration your ideal credit limit, APR, APY, and other rewards before coming to a decision.

Check Your Eligibility:

Most credit cards for beginners require you to be 18 years of age or older in order to open an account. Many credit cards for beginners also require SSN for approval. If you do not have an SSN, Firstcard is a great choice as no SSN is needed for approval!

Gather Necessary Documents:

You may be asked to provide: proof of income, Social Security Number (SSN) and/or ITIN, Passport, Visa, and other personal information. Make sure you have these documents close by before applying.

Apply For Your Credit Card:

Depending on the requirements, you will need to apply online or in person for your beginner credit card. With Firstcard, you can apply online and start building credit in as little as 1 day.

Start Building Credit:

Once approved for your credit card for beginners, start building credit by making on time payments. Make sure you are paying your balance off in full each month rather than just paying the minimum payment.

Start fixing your Bad Credit

Step 1: Gather necessary documents to apply for your first credit card. To get started with your Firstcard application, make sure you meet the following requirements:
Age Requirement:
You must be at least 18 years old.
Proof of U.S. Residency:
Provide a legal U.S. residential address.
Valid Government-Issued ID:
This can be a State ID, Driver’s License, or Passport.
If you don’t have an SSN, you’ll need two documents:
  1. A Passport
  2. Either a U.S. Visa or an ITIN
Step 2: Apply for Firstcard® Secured Credit Builder Card today. You’re pre-approved. No credit checks or hard inquiry.
Step 3: After approval, add money to your Firstcard and start using your Firstcard with purchases
Step 4: Turn on Autopay to make sure you make on-time payments.
Step 5: Firstcard will report your good on-time spending behavior to all three major credit bureaus: Equifax®, Experian®, and TransUnion®.

Seguridad & soporte en el que puedes confiar

Seguro y protegido
La seguridad y la protección son la principal prioridad de Firstcard. Firstcard utiliza tecnología de cifrado estándar de la industria para garantizar que su cuenta y su información estén seguras y protegidas.
Asegurado hasta $250,000
El dinero en su cuenta Firstcard está asegurado hasta un monto máximo de $250,000 a través de nuestro banco asociado, Regent Bank, miembro de la FDIC.
En asociación con Mastercard
Desarrollado por Mastercard con garantía de protección contra fraude de responsabilidad cero por cargos no autorizados.

Preguntas frecuentes

Repara tu mal crédito ahora con Firstcard

You’re pre-approved.
Apply today! No hard credit check needed.